Tag Archives: 12 Guardians

Book 12 – The beginning of the End

A picture of my daughter Haley, Dad and me, in acute Rehab
A picture of my daughter Haley, Dad and me, in acute Rehab

Hope your New Year is going well. I’ve been writing every day 2k words, I guess I should say 2k / every week day. I am happy with that, especially since my Dad has been in the hospital since the middle of October. We have been in so many hospital rooms, I feel like I can do a Trip Advisor for best places to stay… or not stay. He is doing much better. We are in the final room (I hope) the acute rehab at our local hospital. He has two more weeks of therapy there and then we get to take him home. That will be when the real work for us starts as we get to take care of him full time, I’ll be doing the morning shift, but have my laptop and hope to get my two k in during that time.

I started a story while my dad was in the hospital in Lexington, I thought when I was writing that it would be something new, and then it evolved into the beginning of Book 12. I’m at 32k words, so things are progressing nicely.

I can tell you this about book 12, it starts out in a hospital, but it doesn’t end in one.

It’s supposed to be below zero here tonight, I like the winter, but I like it much better when its around the freezing point. I hope you stay safe and enjoy your family.

Update – The Ice Storm that Wasn’t…

English: A train blocked by snowdrifts in Sout...
English: A train blocked by snowdrifts in Southern Minnesota, USA, 1881. Deutsch: ein Zug hat sich im Schnee festgefahren, südlicher Teil Minnesotas, USA, 1881. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Been a bit since I’ve posted, just wanted to give you a quick update.

The winter storm from last week was different. The forecast had us getting up to 3/4 inch of ice. We received a tenth of an inch of ice (thank God, all those prayers helped), about four inches of sleet, and then a couple of inches of snow on top of that. It made for an interest snow, that crunched as I walked my dog. It didn’t want to go away either, so we had snow till Friday. Today it’s supposed to be 70 degrees and tomorrow we are supposed to have some snow again.

I’ve been continuing to write on Book 9. My goal is to finish this month and in April we’ll be participating in Camp Nanowrimo (it will be our third time) and the goal will be to get 90k words written in April, which should mean book 10 will be mostly finished. June and July we’ll work on finishing book 11 and then August and September will be book 12. Those are the goals anyway. I’ve learned too that if you share your goals with someone, that means that you are more likely to achieve them.

We’re editing Book 6 and saving our money so that we can get that done in April. It costs about $800+. Thankfully I’m looking at writing books as a long term investment, if I was waiting till I had made a profit, I fear I would have been still waiting after writing book 1.

That’s my update – what have you been up to.

Camp Nano – https://campnanowrimo.org/sign_in

Book 5 – Abraham: In the Beginning, Now Available

12 Guardians: AbrahamBook 5 is now live.

The Paperback – Click Here.

The Ebook – Click Here

FREE DAYs – you can go to our author page (or blog) to find links to these books.
Author page – http://www.amazon.com/Tim-Hamblin/e/B00BLM93R2/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&linkCode=ur2&tag=boobytim0f-20

The First Three – free – Feb. 3rd and 4th.
Book Four – the Nest – Feb 11th and 12th
Book Five Abraham – Feb 19th and 20th.

Please share those dates with any friends you think may enjoy reading our books.

If you would like more frequent updates, we encourage you to visit our facebook page.


And our blog.  http://www.booksbytim.com/

If you’ve been reading our series and have enjoyed them, we ask you write a review on Amazon when you have a chance.

Currently we are writing book nine (about 50k words into it). We want to thank you for your continued encouragement, support and for buying our books.

Book 5 – Notes

snowMore snow here, also a little below zero this morning. I guess this winter means business.

A couple of notes –

Final edits have started, should have those finished and hopefully hit publish next week. Please notice I said if everything goes well. I’ve been editing since Monday, just been kind of crazy around here to post anything.

Also we’ll have for you a complete listing of when ebooks will be free. I’ll put that list out when we hit the publish button.

I’m writing book 9 – hit the 50k mark yesterday, and I’m still working on the first major thread. Normally what I do is write the main plot lines (threads) of the story and then weave them in when I’m editing them.

I hope you all are as excited as I am.

Enjoy the rest of your HuMp DaY!!

Book 5 Final Edits

Summer (Photo credit: Moyan_Brenn) Dreaming of this…

Wow what a week. I guess it is winter, and this weekend it will be Spring, but it’s much better than -10 or -30 windchill. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for Summer.

I am in the final (last) rounds of edits on Book 5. The tentative title will be Abraham: In the Beginning. It’s a story that takes place after the Nest, but it also includes the story of Abraham (Salome’s husband who died in book 1). I enjoyed writing the book, and I’m enjoying editing the book too. I’ll be sending the edits off to the editor tomorrow, should have it back over the weekend. Next week I’ll be working on the cover and getting it formatted. I’m going to get a proof copy of the paperback, edit it again and then put it up for sale. I have found that doing the final proof edit helps to ensure their aren’t any blatant errors. It also lets me put notes in the margin so I can refer back to it when I need to.

I know I said Feb., but if things go well it may be out by the end of January.

Thanks again for your continued support, we hope you have a wonderful day!


Happy New Year – Book 8 done, Book 5 middle of edits.

Happy New Year. Hope you and your family are doing well. Just finished wrapping up book 8 and this morning started writing book 9 in the 12 Guardian series. Book 8 had almost 130k words. Book 9 starts out on New Years Day which I thought was appropriate.

We’re in the middle of book 5 edits and it looks like Feb. will be a good month.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions, or do you have any. I don’t have any, will just keep doing what I’ve been doing. Now it’s time to go watch some football, I’ll keep you updated on the progress of book 5.

Edits, proofs and other stuff

proofWhat a busy week it has been. I would say I’m glad it’s Friday but I’ll be working this weekend on trying to finish my third edits on Book 4. I hope to have it finished by next week sometime. I have a few passages I need to add. I don’t know if I have mentioned it or not, but in the fourth book, you’ll also get a short for free!! Free is always good.

Monday was Labor Day, I usually work on that particular holiday and I did this year as well. On Tuesday my proof copy cam for my payper back book. That’s the photo you see on this page. It looked good and I approved it so next week sometime it should be up on Amazon. Next week I should also be finished doing the digital version and we’ll offer both of them at the same time. I really like Amazon’s new program, where you buy the paperback and get the digital version for free or at a super discounted price. I’ll be playing with the prices.

Weds, I got my first edits back, so been working on trying to get those finished. I’ve given myself a week. I do not enjoy editing as much as I do writing, but it’s all part of the process that makes it a book you want to read.

Hope you have a good weekend and hope you get a chance to do something fun!

12 Guardians Book 1 – FREE

author and listener
author and listener (Photo credit: glasseyes view)

The first book in our series will be free June 23, 24, 25.  You can click here to get it.

I think I’ve decided on an ending for Book 5, I wanted more to happen, but guess it isn’t going to unless it goes really long (more than 100k words), so I decided to just end it at a good point (a nice climax) and then start working on the next. Who knows I may even finish it this coming week. Got a note from my editor the next round is going nicely, I’m getting kind of anxious, but I guess that’s something that goes with it.

It’s been awhile since I’ve given you my word count –

Friday – 3600
Saturday – 3721
Sunday – 3612
Monday – 3600
Tuesday – 3608
Weds. – Combine
Thursday – Combine
Friday – 3511
Saturday – 3500
Sunday – 3531

On the two combine days, I took parts from a previous stories and put them in a different point of view. Something new, different and I found it to be fun.