I don’t make resolutions, but I do make goals. My goals for the year (with my writing) is to work on getting 10k a week. The past couple of days I’ve managed to get 6k in so that is good.
I’ve started work on book 12, 22k words. My goal is to finishe books 11 and 12, then start getting the other books edited. I hope to publish at least 3 books this year and then finish the series next year.
I’ll be sharing some bits from book 12 in the coming weeks, just wanted to post this so you guys could help keep me straight.
I want to wish you and your family a Healthy New Year!
Hope your summer is going well. I wanted to give you a quick update on what has been going on.
I finished writing Book 10 about 120,000 words or so at the end of June. I did the rough edits for Book 9. I’m going to be taking the month of July off from writing, just so I can focus on earning some extra money so August / September I can get book 6 edited. Also I’ll be going through the first four books, making sure that my notes all jive and that I don’t have anything I need to make sure and have in books 11 and 12 (besides the things I already have planned ;o)).
If you have already read our books and haven’t yet posted a review on Amazon, please do so right now, while you’re thinking about it. The more reviews we get, the better it is for all of us (especially if you like our books).
We’ll be having more freebies in July, if you have friends make sure they follow us on Facebook, so they’ll know when they are free. Here are the tentative dates.
July 18-19 Books 1-3
July 25 – 26 Book 4
August 1 – 2 Book 5.
My Dad is also on vacation during July and I have the opportunity to preach for him a couple of Sundays. You can check out the message from last Sunday if you wish – The Prize Egg or Being Content.
Happy Sunday to you. Hope you have had a great day.
I thought I would send this out, we’re supposed to have a big ice storm tonight, one of those that will most likely cause the power to be off for an extended period of time (not good).
Writing is progressing nicely on book 9. We hit 100k words today on book 9. When I started writing my series I thought that I would never be able to get 12 books done. Now I’m starting to realize that I’m going to have to squeeze some things in, which is a good thing I think.
Working on editing for book 6, people are already wondering about when it is going to come out, which is a good thing, shows some interest.
One of the coolest things though is I’m on the verge of selling my 100th book. I know definitely not best seller status, but I think it is pretty awesome. I wish that I could know who the 100th person was so I could shower them with gifts, but I won’t know (I don’t think) who that person is.
Hope we don’t get any ice – follow my facebook for some pictures etc. We’ll be running some contests there in the near future to. You can find my facebook here –
Happy New Year. Hope you and your family are doing well. Just finished wrapping up book 8 and this morning started writing book 9 in the 12 Guardian series. Book 8 had almost 130k words. Book 9 starts out on New Years Day which I thought was appropriate.
We’re in the middle of book 5 edits and it looks like Feb. will be a good month.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions, or do you have any. I don’t have any, will just keep doing what I’ve been doing. Now it’s time to go watch some football, I’ll keep you updated on the progress of book 5.
Awesome week – hopefully you had a great one as well.
Edits on Book 4
I have sent my edits to the Editor so this is her last round of edits. This means, hopefully by next week I will have the semi final version of the book, and if things go well I will have the final version done next week. I have been thinking just to delay it till the first of the month. If I hear a lot of cries of woe from you guys (which is the reason I write anyway), then I’ll put it out. I also have a tentative schedule for the rest of the books.
Book 4 – November
Book 5 – Feb 2014
Book 6 – May 2014
Book 7 – July 2014
Book 8 – Sept 2014
Book 9 – Nov 2014
Book 10 Jan 2015
Book 11 Feb 2015
Book 12 – March 2015
The goal is to get ahead of the editing curve. If I can do that then everything is good.
Book 8 –
If you’ve ever written a book, usually the first pages of a new book are hard. Now I am past that and we’ll be crusing along. I would say what thread I’m writing on, but that would be spoilers, so I won’t do that. I will say the thread I’m working on now tells the backstory of one of the characters.
The concert –
Went to see a a concert on Weds and it was awesome. My wife, Haley and I went to see a Disciple concert and had so much fun. I enjoy music, it motivates me, inspires me. The drive was long so we didn’t get back home till almost midnight so yesterday I was still tired.
The website –
I have been working on the website, trying to make it easier to use, and navigate. I still have some tweaks to make on it, but those should be done this weekend. The goal is to be able to sell some books from it, we should have that all squared away by November. If you would like to see something we haven’t included, please let me know.
Hope your day has gone well. It can’t really decide if we want to have Summer or Winter here. In the morning temps are in the 30’s in the afternoon they approach 80, so my heat pump doesn’t know whether it wants to be on or off.
I actually have spent some time this week editing my first book, before sending it to my editor, sounds a bit counter-intuitive I know. I’ve also been writing like crazy on the 3rd novel in the series, I think we should be finished with it probably early next week. I’ve also got in mind what the series arch is going to be – all twelve books. I know it’s ambitious, after all, don’t even have one book out yet. I think one thing I’m going to do is outline a bit more, maybe a really flexible outline. I need to do this for a couple of different reasons. After you finish your work, you’ll be needing to make a rough outline anyway… just to make sure you don’t repeat yourself and things make more sense. I’ve about got the titles / what the other nine books are going to be about.
I wrote 3527 today. I’ve told you before I’ve been participating in the camp Nano – don’t think any of my bunk mates have taken it seriously or maybe they’ve gotten busy with life. My goal was 50k words and I’ve hit 76,853 woot woot. I have to take one of my poochs to the vet tomorrow. Really don’t like doing that but it is one of those necessary things.