Tag Archives: E-book

Things I learned when publishing The Incident

What I learned
What I learned

Every time I publish a book, I learn something. Which is a good thing. Yesterday I put the finishing touches on the ebook files for The Incident. This book was different than all of the others. Here are some things I learned, and maybe it will help you (if you’re publishing a book).

  1. Indiegogo campaigns are fun and can raise some much needed funds. When you’re deciding on the prices for your offers, make sure that you add a little for profit, and then add a little more for things that will go wrong. This holds true especially if you include shipping in the price. I think all of mine I will just about break even.
  2. This also was my first Hardback copy. I used Lulu for this service. I thought they would be like Create Space. They aren’t. The biggest difference is that when you order the books, it then takes 6-8 days to print the book, and then they ship it to you. Make sure you figure this into your timelines. Just ordered the Indie books from Lulu, delivering to the folks will depend on when these get here.
  3. Create Space – I’ve been using them for a long time, for paperback books. The Incident has pictures and a ton of different headings and things. My fiction books I had always just uploaded the word doc and things turned out OK. The Incident every time that I uploaded it, the reviewer was always different. Not by much. But even a little difference throws all of the other things off. I got tired to redoing it over and over again, so I did some research. What I should have done first. They way you can make sure it looks exactly the same is to create the file as a pdf – then it is the same. I have a little bit of concern that the images won’t be as crisp as the word doc. I should get the proof today and if things look good (fingers crossed) then I’ll order 20 of them to take care of the Indie orders.
  4. It had been awhile since I published, so I stumbled around to figure out what I had been doing. When you figure it out, create a checklist and save it where you won’t forget where you put it.

I hope that helps you a bit. I’ll make sure and post here and on FB when the Incident is live.

Book 3 is out

book3-1-smallBook 3 is live on Amazon –


Book 3 will be free on August 21,22,23.
An audio book of the three should hopefully be available in September.
Book 4 should be up in October.

We should have a paper version combining books 1,2,and 3, hopefully finished by the end of August. We’ll send you a note and let you know.

If you have any friends who enjoy reading please share that link with your friends.

After you read it, please don’t forget to review it, thanks so much for reading our books.

Have a wonderful day!

Book 6 First Draft Finished :-) Book 3 sent for final edits

I can’t believe it’s the last day of July, it really did go by fast.

Book 3, I still don’t know exactly what I want to call it. I think maybe Saul, because it tells quite a bit of his backstory. It was sent to the editor for the final edits, so it will be published in August, probably the second week of August. I’ll be working on the cover, when I get the book back from edits it takes a couple of days to go through them, read it again and then format it for publishing.

When I get Book 3 published, I’ll be working on combining 1,2, and 3 into an E-book, and I hope to have a paper back finished by Sept. This is important because I also want to give it to someone in September, I think that would be really cool.  In September I also hope to get an audio book finished for books 1,2,3. So some busy times ahead.

Finished book 6 today, I wrote a killer last sentence, but not going to share it, because it will give too much away. I thought about taking the day off tomorrow, then decided against it, so I will be starting book 7 tomorrow. I was going to title Book 7, Water, Wine and A Wake. But the wine got pushed out, maybe I’ll get to it in number 7. The tentative title for Book 7 is Traitor.

Camp Nano went well, I think I had a total of 114,450. I had some good conversations with my cabin mates and met some good friends. I did remember to put my words in the box this time, so hopefully I’ll be able to get whatever cool goodies they are handing out on August 5.

Have a great rest of the week.