Awesome week – hopefully you had a great one as well.
Edits on Book 4
I have sent my edits to the Editor so this is her last round of edits. This means, hopefully by next week I will have the semi final version of the book, and if things go well I will have the final version done next week. I have been thinking just to delay it till the first of the month. If I hear a lot of cries of woe from you guys (which is the reason I write anyway), then I’ll put it out. I also have a tentative schedule for the rest of the books.
Book 4 – November
Book 5 – Feb 2014
Book 6 – May 2014
Book 7 – July 2014
Book 8 – Sept 2014
Book 9 – Nov 2014
Book 10 Jan 2015
Book 11 Feb 2015
Book 12 – March 2015
The goal is to get ahead of the editing curve. If I can do that then everything is good.
Book 8 –
If you’ve ever written a book, usually the first pages of a new book are hard. Now I am past that and we’ll be crusing along. I would say what thread I’m writing on, but that would be spoilers, so I won’t do that. I will say the thread I’m working on now tells the backstory of one of the characters.
The concert –
Went to see a a concert on Weds and it was awesome. My wife, Haley and I went to see a Disciple concert and had so much fun. I enjoy music, it motivates me, inspires me. The drive was long so we didn’t get back home till almost midnight so yesterday I was still tired.
The website –
I have been working on the website, trying to make it easier to use, and navigate. I still have some tweaks to make on it, but those should be done this weekend. The goal is to be able to sell some books from it, we should have that all squared away by November. If you would like to see something we haven’t included, please let me know.
Enjoy your weekend!!