I received the final revisions from my editor yesterday. Now I just need to working on checking them, formatting, finishing the covers and then hit the publish button. I should have that finished sometime next week, the goal is to have everything go up on the 1st. But I also thought about getting the paperback finished, then reviewing it, then publishing it. If I do that then it might be after the 1st. We’ll see how things go. It is good to know though that within the next couple of weeks, “The Nest” will be out there. I enjoyed writing the book and I hope you will enjoy reading it.
We have two dogs and last weekend my daughter rescued a cat from a box beside the store she works at. So we’ve been busy with it, unfortunately Lisa and Haley are both really allergic to it so we’ve been working on finding it a new home. Needless to say this has not been an easy process at all.
Book 8 is coming along nicely. The goal is to finish writing it during Nanowrimo. Then finish 9 (Dec, Jan), 10 (Feb, Mar), 11 (April, May) and 12 (June, July). After that I’m not sure what I will write, I guess I will sit down at the keyboard and just start hitting some keys.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend – I know I will be working!!