I just wanted to send a note out to you before Memorial Day, a couple of reminders and things you might like to know.
We would like to welcome all of our new subscribers and Facebook followers. Last weekend we gave the first book in our series away. This weekend on Sunday and Monday we’ll be giving the forth e-book in our series away. If you’ve already downloaded it, please send a note (right now before you forget) to any friends who you think might like our book.
You can find the book at the URL below – remember that is Sunday, May 25th and Monday, May 26th, which is Memorial day.
If you’ve read the free books from last time and you enjoyed them, please leave a review on Amazon, those reviews help me to sell more books, and selling more books help me to pay my editor.
On Saturday I’ll be putting some of my words on my Google Plus account. I’ve been doing a thing that’s called Saturday Scenes, which is pretty cool.
You can find me here on G+ – https://plus.google.com/u/0/110583796895798417308/posts/p/pub
I am working on writing Book 10 in my series; I’m at about 90,000 words. Not sure how long it’s going to be, maybe 150k?
In closing I want to wish everyone a wonderful Memorial Day if you live in the US. Enjoy your weekend.