Happy Almost May!
Hope you had a wonderful April. We’ve been busy, which is always a good thing. I just wanted to update you of a few things that will be coming up in May. My birthday is in May and we’ll be offering all of our Ebooks for free sometime during May. Also we’ll be putting all of our paperbacks on sale.
We’ll let you know all of the details both here and on our Facebook page. Another way is to sign up for our newsletter and we’ll be sure to send you a message a couple of days before the discounts are available.
So what have I been up to –
Currently I’m writing book ten, I am at about 50k words.
We’ve been working on the rough edits for all of them. I thought i would do this before we worked on publishing them. This is to ensure we don’t make a huge mistake.
We’ll be talking to you again next week so stay tuned.