Hope your day was good and productive. I’ve been using scrivener for all the writing I’ve done, and I love it. I don’t really know how to use it very well yet.
It’s on sale today – not sure how long the sale is going to last – on Amazon. You can get the Windows or Mac version for half price ($20 and $22.50). Here’s the link – http://www.amazon.com/Literature-Latte-SCRWINREG-Scrivener-Download/dp/B0079KJB54
Also found a great guide for Scrivener today during my wonderings its free from this link – click me.
I’ve mentioned before I’m on the third part of the book and that book has three threads. Today I finished one of them, now two more to go. I wrote 3555 words today, so I’m keeping on pace for the million words this year.
I’ve been pretty busy too – on my ‘real’ job, it’s hard to squeeze everything in. Need to get the first bit edited. My goal is to work on that quite a bit tomorrow. I’m writing it here so I’ll be accountable. Enjoy your evening.