I have just completed the first round of submissions for my first paperback. It will include the first three books in the 12 Guardians series. My proof is on it’s way to me, I’ll then check it out and if it looks ok then it will be approved and ready to sale. Hope to have it online and ready for sale sometime next week. The goal to have the digital version of that book will be the first of September.
My edits are coming along nicely for book 5. Book 4 is still at the editor. Book 7 continuing to write, as I’ve mentioned before I usually write threads, this book has two main threads, one in Jesus time and the other now. I am almost done with the now thread and then I’ll start on the Jesus one. So I guess you could say I’m getting close to halfway there. This has been a harder book to write for a number of different reasons, I don’t want to go into details or I would spoil it for you, but I’m excited I’m halfway there. Like I’ve mentioned before, sometimes my characters start to go way off track and do their own thing, which is fine with me, sometimes it’s just hard to corral them back by the last page.
I will be giving some hints on creating your createspace masterpiece probably sometime next week, I’ll send some pictures when I have my proof. Also if I don’t speak with you before next week I hope you and your family have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!!