Some news about book 5, 6 and 8. Plus Hardbacks

Crop of original painting "Anbetung der H...
Crop of original painting “Anbetung der Hirten” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Busy here, hope you are having an awesome day. I can’t believe in a week (little over) it will be Christmas. We’ve been busy here to.

Book 5 – first rounds of edits, should be done by the weekend. When I get the text back, it normally takes me a week to go through it, make changes and then send it out. Still looking good for a Feb. release.

Book 6 – doing red edits now. Normally when I write, I pound hard on the keyboard, when I need to put information in that I don’t know I put in a question mark, then highlight the question mark with red. When I do the editing, first I read through it once to make sure I haven’t completely forgotten about something. Next I take care of anything I might have forgotten, then I do the “red” edits, filling in the information I left out. Then one more edit before it’s ready to go to the real editor. So this week I should be done with the red edits. I will wait for book 5 to come back and then will do the final edits on Book 6.

Book 8 – At about 120k word now. Just wrapping up some things. Should have that done this week. Then I think I need to add a short, otherwise book 9 would be 200k words, and then start working on book 9.

I also think, from not till Christmas I will work on getting hardback copies of my first two paperbacks done. I’m thinking of including some maps in those, what else should I include.