Wow hard day today. We had a whole lot of rain last night and this morning. So much rain that it overwhelmed my ditch. So the afternoon (which was nice) was spent doing manual labor with a shovel, pick, huge pry bar and a Mattick. Along with a tiller thrown in their for good measure. I’m going to be so sore tomorrow it’s not even going to be funny.
We had a lot of thunder this morning, and I refuse to get on my computer when there are storms. I know that’s kind of silly because I have all the latest surge protectors and things, so the morning was wasted. .. well not wasted, I did get to read a bit which is always a good thing.
I also finished a big project for one of our clients – that’s always a good thing as well. Nothing like making a little cash to make things look much better.
I did manage to write 3, 538 words – so that was good. One other thing I promise to you unless we have no electricity I will be trying to post.
Hopefully tomorrow we’ll have a little calmer weather, although this year has been pretty crazy, so it’s hard to say what the weather will be like tomorrow.
Enjoy your evening.