Tag Archives: Book Writing

Write every day

English: Isaac, A Lover of Peace; as in Genesi...
English: Isaac, A Lover of Peace; as in Genesis 26:12-25; illustration from a Bible card published 1906 by the Providence Lithograph Company (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I think writing is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets. When you write every day, you will always be thinking about your story. It has happened to me more than once. When I write I have an outline in my head. I know how the story  is going to begin, what’s going to be happening at the middle and (sometimes) how it is going to end. I write the first few chapters and then I start writing individual threads.

Currently I’m writing book number 6. I’m at almost 40k words. This novel, I think anyway is going to be segmenented into parts. I’m on my first thread in part 1.

[minor spoiler alert ]

I’m writing about Isaac. I was wondering exactly what I would do with him during this part. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do, but I didn’t know exactly how I wanted to accomplish it. This morning, when I woke up, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. If I didn’t write everyday and was thinking about the story, even when I wasn’t writing it, I don’t think I would have had the idea.

I know it is hard to write everyday. I work too, have to work or I wouldn’t be able to pay the bills.

Enough preaching, I wish you much success!

Starting Book 3

227: Book Writing Class
227: Book Writing Class (Photo credit: TheBracey)

I started book #3 today. I actually hate starting a new book, it is good that I’m familiar with most of the characters. I got 3125 words written today. I’m not much of a plotter – maybe I should be. I just start typing and go with the flow. I enjoy writing. I don’t think I could not write now. Do you do that? Do you dream about your characters? Maybe I’m just a little bit weird.

I mentioned to you earlier that I got a good book about writing. See that’s another thing, I want to learn all I can about my writing, so my stories will be the best they can be. I know I can write, I just can’t write well… yet. I read somewhere that it takes a million words before you get the hang of it. We’ll see if that is true or not, I think I should make it a goal to do a million words before the end of the year.

Takes out a sheet of paper.

So we have 259 days till the end of the year.
So far I’ve written 90,000 words.
That leaves 910,000 / 259 = 3514.
And so a new goal has been made. The good thing is, the longer I write the faster I write, hopefully that all remains true.

Sorry for the sidetrack bit there – so the book I’m in the process of reading is 2k to 10k – the process of writing more. Again I’ve just started it. I’ll give you an outline of it and how / if it helped my writing as well. You can find the book here – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009NKXAWS/

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those in Boston.


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