Welcome to my Humble Abode

I’m creating this website mostly for myself. Mostly to document the journey I’m about to take. I’ll let you know of things I’ve tried and worked, and things I’ve done that flopped. If you’re following this then hopefully you won’t make the same mistakes I do.

I’ll also use this blog to keep me straight. See if you tell someone you’re writing, and you tell them how many words you’re writing, and that you expect your book to be out on this date. Then you will have people that will question you and ask you – hey how’s that book coming along.

So the goal write now is to write. I’ll be writing a series of books. I’m not exactly sure how long they will be yet, or I should say how long the series will be. I think maybe 7 or 8, but I guess it depends entirely on how long winded I get.

I started writing on March 14th. I wrote 1,000 words. I’ll tell you a little more about how I got my idea later on.

I decided that writing 1,000 words was pretty easy, so I decided to write 2,000 words. I mean heh, 2,000 words is twice as many. Whatever you’re working on will get done twice as fast. I did 2,000 words from March 15th to March 25th.  I then figured that 2000 words had gotten pretty easy so I jacked it up to 3,000 words. I’ve done that since the 26th and today is April 4th. Now it’s a habit. I write every day, well I wrote 6k the day before Easter, then took Easter off, but I’ve written every day and plan on continuing to do that.

So I’ve finished the first book in the series, I set it aside for a week and started editing it today. I’m now working on the second book and I think I’m halfway through. Again chugging right along. I do recommend if you’re starting out, one way to stay motivated is by going to Camp Nano and joining. It’s a little late but you can still join. You’ll also be able to get a tool you’ll want to use at a discount. I’ve been using http://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.php and love it.

One more thing before I go today – it’s been a long one. You’ll want to make sure you write every day, because it helps you keep in touch with the plot and characters. You’ll also be surprised when you aren’t writing how your next scene is going to go. Enjoy your evening.


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